

Listen to Stories From University Hills

2021-04-01T18:15:42-07:00April 1st, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|

Click on each audio clip below to hear stories and impressions about what it's like to live in University Hills. These were recorded during Fall Fiesta, 2019. Enjoy! Abril & Millie Armin Barbara Bill T. Brad Bradford Carole Cindy Don, Tim & Iggy Gary Gerald Parham Hobart Joseph Julieta Kev Abazajian Lily Margarita Long Michelle [...]

Uhills Community Comes Together During a Difficult Time

2020-04-14T22:39:32-07:00April 14th, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) stay-at-home orders have changed life in University Hills, as they have across the country and the world. But the residents of Uhills have pulled together in amazing ways. Through the Homeowner Representative Board's Welcoming and Wellness Committee, residents have volunteered to help other neighbors in need. People have organized sidewalk piano concerts, [...]

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