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Primary Owner Name(Required)
Co-Owner Name
Rental Address(Required)
Email Address(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Rental Type(Required)
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# Bedrooms
# Bathrooms
Square Feet

Complete below if renting room(s) only

Linens/Bedding provided
  1. 1. Homeowner agrees to follow all local, state and federal Fair Housing laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, familial status, mental or physical disability, marital status, sexual orientation, age, ancestry, source of income or medical condition and further agrees to follow resident requirements and rental rules in University Hills (Primary Residency Rules Policy, Ground Sublease Section 3.07, Property Use and Maintenance Regulations). Interested parties searching for renters are not screened or vetted by Irvine Campus Housing Authority. Tenant screening is the responsibility of the homeowner. A lease will be directly between the homeowner and tenant.
  2. 2. Except for rentals less than thirty (30) days, owners must notify ICHA of the rental, including the name of the tenant(s), the tenant's campus affiliation, and term of the rental by completing the University Hills Tenant Lease Information form.
  3. 3. While ICHA does not assume responsibility for a match, we assist homeowners with the intended provisions of the Faculty Housing Program and terms of the Ground Sublease by supporting their efforts to find a tenant among the University‐Associated population. Contact ICHA at or (949) 824‐7345