This is your ‘go-to’ page to get help maintaining your new website.  As new questions are asked and help with new items is needed, I will continually add to this page so you always have help when you need it!

You will see a bright orange button at the bottom left of your admin dashboard that says ‘Click for Help > “.  This is a great basic way to understand WordPress especially the more advanced items like the menu system, pages and posts and it a virtual walkthrough.  However, please remember it’s made for default WordPress websites and this one is using a premium page builder that is not in that orange walk-through area but the video below does do a walk through of this feature.

Overview of website:

Once you have logged in to the admin panel of the website, you will be able to navigate to any of your web pages and now you will see a black admin bar at the top of every page (if you do not see this, make sure you are already logged in to admin).  You can navigate to any page and there will be an ‘edit page’ link at top.  You can click to edit, then either preview the page before saving it, or save the page and update to make the changes go live.

Website Pages

These are all of the main pages like home, about, contact, and all main, public facing pages.  You will see the ‘edit page’ link at the top if you are logged in and browsing your website like a customer would.

It’s important to note that all pages and posts only allow you to edit the main content of that page or post.  You cannot edit the top menu bar, logo area or very bottom footer which is a good thing as that is the main site structure.  But everything on these pages that shows below the main menu and title of the page and above the copyright footer can be edited.

The theme we have installed on your website is called Avada and it comes with a very cool page builder that makes it much easier for a non-coder to edit and add organized elements of text, photos, links, buttons, etc. on any of the pages or posts.

Before you edit anything on the website, I highly suggest you watch the quick overview video below on how to use the Avada Page builder so that you understand what all these ‘squares’ and sections are on each page and how to properly edit them without breaking any page layout items.

Website Posts

Your website utilizes 2 types of posts.  News posts  and portfolio posts.

News posts:  These show on your Spotlight page here:

To create or edit spotlight or any news posts, click Posts from the admin dashboard and either Add New or click a title of an existing post to edit an older post.  These are very straightforward- you add a title, body text and if you want a thumbnail image to show up the way they show on the spotlight story page then you need to add a ‘featured image’ on the right side of the page so that an image shows up with the post excerpt before you click through to read the entire article.  These posts show by date- newest date first.

Portfolio posts:  These are your housing property pages.  You can click ‘Portfolio’ in admin dashboard and you will see a list of all of your houses.  These are more complex posts to edit as they have much more than just a title and text but they are tagged with custom elements like sq. footage, # bedrooms, #baths, etc.  But as long as you only edit the title and main description text and images- you will always do just fine.  Just don’t edit any of the more complex tags that are used to sort these properties by size, etc. or it could break the filter that sorts them correctly.

Video:  How to use the  Avada Page Builder

This video is pretty detailed and may show more than you need to know as it shows you how to build a page completely.  But in watching it, you will have a clear understanding of what each element on your pages is and more importantly, how to edit these items.


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Video:  How to add links to PDF documents from any text

I’m using the Board Minutes area as an example here.  You can link any text word or even image to any uploaded PDF document to the media area.

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